My Commitment
Photo by Thomas William on Unsplash
Dear Readers,
For years, only a small, supportive group of friends and family knew my daily joys and conflicts. I found myself searching for others like me, hoping to gain insight and perspective from their lives. I never found it, so I started this. My hope is to create what I was searching for: something honest, empowering, supportive, and evolving.
My commitment is this — I will never shut this blog down. There are many factors here, but the point is to not only write about my learning lessons with an age difference relationship, but to share my upcoming triumphs and defeats with my followers. Those younger than me will have a documented version of how this one plays out!
My intent is to provide real time commentary to the questions many have asked or wondered silently: What if he/she dies first? What’s it like to take care of an older partner? How do you balance different energy levels? How are children effected? Aren’t you lonely without kids? How do you balance work, retirement, and money issues? What do you do when friends and family don’t agree?
If my family decides to disown me because we got married, then I am going to write about it. If I am having a particularly hard Mother’s Day, then I am going to write about it. If Troy starts to lose energy, gets sick, or won’t dance with me anymore, then I am going to write about it. That is my commitment to you.
To keep me accountable to this commitment, would you mind doing one (or more) of the following:
(1) Let me know what topics interest you;
(2) Subscribe to our Love Letter (below) so you are alerted to new content and community updates;
(3) Follow The Age Gap Experience on Instagram;
(4) Check out our Services page for one on one consult;
(5) Watch this TED Talk before you post that mean spirited comment; and
(6) Meet up with us when we are in the same town or city!
Seeing my audience grow will tell me there are people interested in learning more about this topic, and will encourage me to continue sharing my experiences and research with all of you!!